Commonwealth Offences in Australia
Criminal Code Act
These offences are usually prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) or the Australian Federal Police (AFP). Dealing with these offences often involves extensive legal actions and proceedings. If you or your loved one have been charged with a Commonwealth offence, it's crucial you seek representation from criminal lawyers with experience in defending Commonwealth prosecutions.
That's where the team at Mansia Bovey & Company comes in. We are well-versed in Commonwealth defence and litigation and can offer any advice and legal assistance you might need to navigate the process. Whether you want representation from an experienced legal professional or are just looking for quality advice before you go to court or meet with the police, our team is here to help. With fixed legal fees on all our services, you'll be able to reliably plan your legal defence with full awareness of your budget.
Types Of Commonwealth Offences
There’s no particular type of crime that makes a Commonwealth offence. Commonwealth offences cover most crimes committed in Australia, and even crimes that use outside resources. They can include:
- Centrelink or tax fraud
- Child exploitation and child abuse offences
- Customs offences including illegal imports, illegal exports, smuggling & evasion of duty
- Passport offences
- Damaging or destroying Commonwealth property
- Offences against the Government
- Terrorism
- Treachery
We treat all of our clients with dignity and respect, so no matter what legal battle lies ahead, we will be by your side offering the very best legal advice.
Our team of expert criminal lawyers in Cairns are available 24/7 and you can count on us whenever you need representation or counsel.

Criminal Defence And Litigation
When you choose Mansia Bovey & Company as your expert criminal lawyer, you'll have full confidence you'll be able to navigate each step of your Commonwealth offence charge.
During our initial consultation, we'll take the time to assess your situation and provide you with comprehensive initial legal advice. We'll work to gather as much information as we can that may assist. This might involve interviewing witnesses, reviewing evidence, reading any reports, and reviewing your own description of the events.
Should your matter proceed to trial, our reliable, approachable, and committed legal experts will provide you and your witnesses with the ultimate preparation ahead of trial. We might seek other experts to provide their own assessments and will gather all the information we need to craft the perfect case. Above all, we'll protect your right to a fair trial at every step.

Commonwealth Legal Processes
Handling Commonwealth offences can be a complex process, and it's well worth investing in skilled criminal lawyers with experience in Commonwealth offences. That's where the team at Mansia Bovey & Company comes in. With our years of experience in the field, we're undaunted by whatever the legal processes of your case might involve.
Commonwealth offences can be treated summarily or proceed on indictment. A summary offence might have a maximum penalty of imprisonment, or it might not require any jail time at all, while an indictable offences generally attract higher maximum penalties including lengths of imprisonment.
We understand being charged with an offence can be stressful and upsetting. If you are charged with a Commonwealth offence, it's crucial you understand your rights and obligations and what it all means.
At Mansia Bovey & Company, we do our utmost to secure a good result for every client and represent them to our best ability. You can trust us to offer the professional support, guidance and advice you need to face your circumstances and achieve the best results.
Contact Us Today
If you're in need of a reliable criminal lawyer in Cairns, Mareeba, and surrounding areas, choose Mansia Bovey & Company Lawyers. We proudly offer a comprehensive range of legal services and are committed to helping each of our clients achieve fantastic outcomes. With our experienced professional advice and dependable fixed pricing, there's no better team to have on your side.
Contact us today on (07) 4035 8300 during our operating hours, call 0418 773 738 24/7 or enquire online.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. 1 : The police want to question me. Do I have to answer their questions?
The short answer is no. In Queensland, you have the right to silence and you can exercise that right if police are wanting to question you in relation to an offence.
Just like in the movies, anything you say can be used against you as evidence in court. So, if you answer any questions the police ask you, remember that you could incriminate yourself further. Accordingly, it is in your best interests to contact a criminal lawyer before speaking with police. You can contact one of our solicitors 24/7.
Q. 2 : The police have conducted a search of my property. What happens now?
During the search of your property, the police may find certain things that they believe could be used as evidence against you and can seize the property. Any property that the police seize during the search should be listed on a Field Property Receipt which the police must give you a copy of.
The result of the search may lead to you or others being charged with offences. If your property has been searched by police, then you should contact our office immediately for advice.
Q. 3 : I've been arrested in the middle of the night, can you help?
Yes, we are available 24/7 on 0418 773 738 so we can provide immediate access to a legal expert who can help you with your case.
Q. 4 : How much will a criminal lawyer cost?
Q. 5 : How much will a criminal lawyer cost?
Legal fees can spiral when it comes to a criminal law case, so we have a transparent fixed fee for every stage of the process. Call us today for an initial consultation, where we can advise how much our criminal law services will cost and provide you with all of the relevant information so you can properly budget for your legal fees.
Q. 6 : What is your success rate in court?
Mansia Bovey and Company Lawyers have extensive experience in all criminal law matters, and have been successful in defending clients in a range of complex and diverse criminal cases.
We can never guarantee an outcome, but with our extensive experience and legal knowledge, we are confident we can represent you to the very highest standards.
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